Had a great time with Sheri's side of the family in Disney at the end of March. Was in a Disney park every day but one. Unfortunately we had two days that just poured buckets; made national weather news because of the amount and longevity of the rain. Didn't seem much like Florida those days!
Some of the highlights were rides we had never been on in other visits to Disney; Expedition Everest, Finding Nemo puppet play (way cooler than it sounds; check my webpage for shots) and The Hall of Presidents (okay, joking on the last one)
Actually, on a day where we dropped off our kids at Universal Theme Park, Sheri and I went back to Disney and went on all the "lame" rides that people don't generally go on. Had a blast and no lineups! Carousel of Progress, The Hall of Presidents, Country Bear Jamboree etc.
See a wack more shots on my