During the Thanksgiving weekend I was fortunate enough to hook up with a few seasoned fishermen who call Gimli their home port. I went out two mornings to witness (and help, yuck fish are slimy, especially when trying to handle a camera...) the tending of their single net, just outside the harbour. Harvey Benson, the owner of the boat, used to be a high school principal in Gimli over 25 years ago. He's been fishing with his friend, who was born in Newfoundland but found love in Gimli when he was stationed here when he was much younger, for over 25 years. Great bunch of guys! Harvey even taught me how to fillet a pickeral. I changed the photographs into black and white to give them a more timeless look. To see more shots of fishermen, go to Fishermen. Loons and landscapes can be found on my website as well.